How we can help unlock deposit opportunities
We understand the importance of diversifying yours and your clients investment portfolios, maximising returns and ensuring liquidity for lifestyle and funding requirements. Our comprehensive range of deposit products will enable you to effectively and safely invest and manage your clients’ cash.
This tailored service prioritises transparency, security, and customer support to ensure a seamless and rewarding cash investment experience for you and your clients.
Our dedicated team is here to support you with your clients specific financial needs.
New Account Enquiries
Existing Advisers and Intermediaries
All Other Enquires
Introduce your clients to our award-winning products
Looking for a savings account with higher ongoing return for at-call cash? Or a term deposit that rewards customers’ loyalty with a higher interest rate for reinvested funds? As savings specialists, our market-leading cash products offer competitive rates to help your clients grow their wealth.
A great choice when your client is seeking:
- A higher ongoing return on their at call cash
- A cash hub for easy access to other higher yielding cash products
Ideal for clients who:
- Are looking for a high interest alternative to term deposits
- Need the flexibility to make additional deposits at any time
The best choice for clients who:
- Make regular monthly contributions to their cash portfolio
- Want to be rewarded with a premium interest rate in return for increasing their monthly balance
A good option for clients who are seeking:
- Competitive and guaranteed interest rates
- To be rewarded for loyalty with a higher interest rate for reinvestment *
Existing Adviser Forms
- Apply for an Online Savings (RaboDirect) account
- Request a Notice Saver redemption
- Update address details
- Change linked account
- Create or update an account for an existing customer
- Appoint or update an authorised intermediary
- Transfer funds
- Complaints Reporting Template
- Significant Dealings Reporting Template
Know Your Customer Forms
Individual & Joint
- Additional Customer Information Form - Individual & Joint
- Commercial Property Questionnaire – Individual
For a Joint Account application, please complete two copies of the ‘Commercial Property Questionnaire – Individual' - one per individual.
- Provide or update tax residency status
Entities - SMSF, Trust & Business
- Additional Customer Information Form - Entities
- Commercial Property Questionnaire – Entities
- Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) Form - Entities
(Not required for SMSF accounts)
For Trust reviews: Please provide a certified copy of the full Trust Deed, including any variations and amendments.
Feel good about your savings
We're part of Rabobank, first founded as a cooperative bank for farmers, and is now one of Australia's largest lenders to the food and agribusiness sector. Find out more about how we're a bank with a purpose.
The products and services described on this page are issued by Rabobank Australia Limited ABN 50 001 621 129 AFSL 234 700. The Rabobank Online Savings Terms and Conditions, Notice Saver Product Disclosure Statement and Rabobank Financial Services Guide are available at
Applicants should consider the relevant disclosure documents along with their personal objectives, financial situation and needs before making any financial decisions. Fees and charges may apply.