Our communication platform will be offline for scheduled maintenance from 12 am to 3 am on 20 February 2025. There will be minor disruptions to customers receiving SMS verification codes during this time.

If you’d like to speak to us, we’re available Monday to Friday 6am to 8pm (Sydney time) on 1800 445 445.

Speaking Up

Rabobank is committed to maintaining a high standard of business ethics and safety within its organisation. Rabobank promotes a strong culture of transparency and integrity and is committed to detecting and addressing misconduct and ensuring that those who become aware of misconduct can report it without being concerned that it will negatively affect them or their position.

For this purpose, we have a comprehensive Policy on Whistleblowing for Rabobank in Australia. The Policy applies to Coöperatieve Rabobank U. A. Australia Branch, Rabobank Australia Limited and any related bodies corporate (Rabobank) and sets out formal channels through which individuals may report issues, knowing it is safe to do so. Individuals who may do so are persons who are or have been a director, employee, secondee, contractor, consultant, supplier, service provider (or their employee or contractor) or an associate of Rabobank. Relatives or dependents of these individuals (or their spouse) are also eligible to raise concerns using these channels.

The Policy defines what type of conduct may be reported. This includes actions which are:

- Dishonest

- Fraudulent

- Corrupt

- Illegal

- Unethical

- In breach of internal policy (including the Rabobank Code of Conduct)

- Misconduct or an improper state of affairs in relation to a Rabobank entity; or

- A danger, or represents a danger, to the public or financial system.

How do individuals get in touch?

There are several ways in which eligible individuals may report concerns about conduct they believe is improper. This includes:

- Via the secure confidential external hotline and portal provided by People Intouch (24 hours / 7 days) and can be accessed as follows: dial the toll free phone number 1800 452 051 (enter access code 22611) or via www.speakupfeedback.eu/web/th6pep/au (enter access code 22611). 

Read the Policy on Whistleblowing here.