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Jess paves a dream pathway in ag

Posted by Rabobank Australia on

Jess Cutcliffe has had her sights set on ag since childhood

Jess Cutcliffe has spent years curating the career of her dreams, boldly forging a unique pathway to realise her vision.

And today, as a Rabobank Rural Officer, the professional reality well exceeds anything she ever imagined.

Growing up on a haymaking operation in the Tamworth region, agriculture always had Jess’ heart, however, it was during her teens that the true depth of her commitment to ag was revealed.

“In year ten I announced to my parents, quite unexpectedly, that I wanted to go to Yanco Agricultural High School.”

“I was intent on becoming a livestock veterinarian, and craved that ag-specific learning intention – despite the fact the school was near Leeton, 700 kilometres from home and in a region in which I knew no one!”

With her parents generously indulging her ambition, Jess – having never ventured further south of Dubbo – made the brave move to Yanco and began chiselling away at her long-held vision.

“It was an amazing experience, there were students who’d come from large Sydney schools, through to former School of the Air students from as far west as Wilcannia. It was such a diverse cohort, all united by a passion for agriculture, and the teaching was second to none.”

While she was on track to realise her veterinarian dreams, mid-way through year 12 her family suffered the worst of tragedies, with the unexpected passing of her brother, Jack.

“I lost all desire to study Vet, and while I did manage to finish school and get into university studying teaching, six months into the degree I realised I needed some time out.”

Jess spent the remainder of the year working, travelling home often and reflecting on her path, with agriculture continuing to dominate discussions.

“I enjoyed ag and I liked numbers, and decided agri banking would be the best fit for my skills, and returned to study agribusiness at Charles Sturt University.”

A vision becomes reality

Conceding that “the bright city lights did not once call my name”, it was instead a timely phone call from Riverina Regional Manager Sally Bull that sealed Jess’ fate, encouraging her to apply for a Wagga Wagga based Rural Officer role upon completing her degree.

“I never had any aspirations to work in the city, I always envisioned a rural career, and Rabobank certainly piqued my interest as a bank focused solely on farming clients.”

“From the moment I began my interview process, with the team all so lovely, through to the story of Rabobank as a co-operative bank founded by farmers, for farmers, the dream was sold, and even now, three years later I still get excited discovering all the elements that make Rabobank such a great place to work.”

In Wagga Wagga, Jess built her professional network, even taking the initiative and joining forces with friends to re-boot the Riverina Ag Network, a community group dedicated to agricultural networking and professional development.

“Wagga Wagga is a city rather than a country town, with so many opportunities, and it was really exciting becoming part of the community and helping provide a platform for young ag professionals.”

Jess Cutcliffe has had her sights set on ag since childhood

“I also feel so grateful that I was able to finish university and step straight into a Rural Officer role, which has essentially provided me with a comprehensive background with time spent wearing different hats – those of a Credit Analyst, a Relationship Analyst, and helping support Rural Managers, all providing exciting options to progress my career.” 

A move to Moree

In early 2024, after two years in Wagga Wagga, Jess decided to relocate with Rabobank to Moree to be closer to her family in Tamworth.

“I’ve always admired Moree Area Manager Felicity Taylor from afar, and I knew of the strong team she had assembled.”

As a member of Rabobank’s Grain Commodity Sector Group (CSG), an internal working group dedicated to providing value and experiences to grain-growing clients, the Moree region’s reputation as a grain-growing powerhouse was equally appealing.

The fact the Moree community was socially renowned was also not lost on the bubbly 24-year-old.

Now, five months into her time in Moree and the move is everything she’d hoped it would be.

“I’ve settled in really easily. Being a smaller town it’s so lovely to go to the local coffee shop and run into friends, countless dinner parties with friends just down the street, BBQs by the river or the many social events  – Moree’s a lovely community to be a part of.”

Professionally, Jess said the Moree team has welcomed and supported her warmly, and that she feels right at home in the grain-growing region.

“I’ve also become involved in Young Aggies, which has been a great source of friendship and professional contacts, and I’m enjoying meeting our Rabobank clients and helping support some of Australia’s most exciting farm businesses.”

In a further testament to her career commitment, Jess is currently completing her Master of Agribusiness through Marcus Oldham, and recently  took part in the Marcus Oldham Leadership Program, which she described as a valuable opportunity to “gather more knowledge, analytical skills and practical understanding to assist clients in the future.”

Jess Cutcliffe has had her sights set on ag since childhood

Next week, Jess will continue to expand her network and learnings at Innovation Generation, an annual conference for young ag professionals aged 18 to 35 that brings together the brightest and best speakers with real-world experience.

Joining the cream of the crop at Innovation Generation

This year the Innovation Generation conference is being held on the Gold Coast, and Jess is looking forward to the myriad opportunities the experience affords.

With Rabobank a major sponsor of Innovation Generation, she will join a host of Rabobank staff at the conference, all networking and immersing themselves in the knowledge-sharing opportunity.

“Events such as Innovation Generation tend to highlight what a small, close-knit community agriculture is,” she explains. “Growers and Rabobank staff alike will travel from across Australia, and it’s always exciting to reconnect, and discover that while our geography is vast, our challenges are essentially very similar.”

“This will be my third conference, and there is always such an excellent line-up of speakers, the best of the best – it’s an extremely inspirational few days nurturing ag’s emerging and future industry leaders.”

 The diversity of sectors and regions represented at the conference, from agronomists, to accountants, growers to ag tech experts, was also valuable.

“When so many different perspectives from across Australia come together in a room, all with a genuine focus on how to progress the Grains and Oilseeds sector, seize opportunity and solve future challenges, it is incredibly motivating, you can’t help but walk away excited and proud to be part of agriculture’s story.”

A pathway carved that exceeds expectations

Having left home to begin her ag journey all those years ago, Jess smiles that the outcome has been even better than she expected.

“I didn’t appreciate just how vibrant an agri banking career would be, I assumed it would be largely office-based, and hadn’t expected to be out and about at field days, touring cotton and canola crops, research trials, stud sales and most enjoyably, on-farm visiting clients.”

The calibre of additional opportunities Rabobank provides clients, from Carbon Training Workshops, RaboTruck knowledge-sharing events, Financial Skills Workshops, or knowledge and development events for young farmers, also provides a point of difference.

Jess Cutcliffe at a recent Financial Skills Workshop held in Goondiwindi

Jess at a recent Financial Skills Workshop held in Goondiwindi

“Rather than being behind a screen all week, it’s exciting helping plan events and ingrain ourselves in the community, that’s something Rabobank does exceptionally well, and the best part of the job is getting out and about with clients.”

Jess is excited to now call Moree home, and is looking forward to a long-term career in the region supporting local farmers and the community.

“Moree fills all my cups, work-wise it doesn’t get much more exciting, socially there are so many fantastic people and events, and there’s a great community spirit I’m enjoying being part of.”