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on 12/03/2024
A proud Gippsland local, Rabobank Area Manager Russell Mann loves nothing more than getting on-farm and helping the region’s producers turn their business goals into a reality.
With over 37 years banking experience, he believes there’s no better patch to do business, and says it’s been a pleasure seeing so much growth in the region during his tenure.
“It’s an absolute privilege working with farmers all day, every day, and as a bank dedicated solely to agriculture, supporting our clients to prosper is our priority, we all love being on the journey with our farmers.”
A local team dedicated to the community and agriculture
Armed with experience and a genuine passion for the community, Russell leads an equally engaged Warragul team, with Rural Manager Cameron de Kok also hailing from the region, and enjoying a successful career in agri consultancy and banking.
Further strengthening the team’s unique local perspective is recently appointed Rural Analyst, Leila Bloomfield, Geelong born and raised yet having called Warragul home in recent years.
“I’m thrilled to be working with Rabobank, helping support really exciting farming clients and helping their business growth.”
“Warragul is where we’ve chosen to raise our family, and I love the fact that our office is just three minutes from home – I don’t have to travel to Melbourne for a fulfilling career.”
Account Managers Tim Cohen and Fraser Stewart provide further strength to the team, both providing a unique perspective and expertise.
Industry knowledge applied on-farm
Tom, who has been with Rabobank for four years, works with clients across the central region – and although he and Fraser are based in the Melbourne office, he said the teams very much work as one.
“The way we work as a team is terrific, and it’s because we all understand our goal, and that’s to make sure we deliver for our clients.
“We all enjoy nothing more than seeing our clients thrive, see them at events smiling, and knowing that we’ve got their backs.”
Having worked previously at both a state and national level for AUSVEG – the peak industry body for horticulture in Australia – Tom admits horticulture remains close at heart.
“We’re so fortunate in this region to enjoy a strong diversity of sectors – from potatoes to vegetables, apples and viticulture – getting out on farm to see these clients is the highlight of my job.”
Tom’s industry insights are extremely valuable, and whether it’s issues such as code of conduct, piece rates, labour agreements or R&D, he believes it’s key knowledge not many farmers on the ground have direct access to.
“When I’m having conversations with my clients, it’s handy to be able to keep them abreast of what’s going on beyond the farm gate, so they have all the information they need to make their on-farm decisions with confidence.”
Fraser has also been a strong part of the Rabobank team for over six years, four of those in Western Australia’s Narrogin branch, and two in the Melbourne office.
Having grown up on a mixed farm consisting of cropping, beef and sheep in Western Australia’s Toodyay district, the diversity of the Warragul region provides an exciting challenge.
"I’ve enjoyed learning more about the dairy and horticulture industries, and it’s surprising how many similarities they have to my livestock and grain background.”
“We’re obviously growing different commodities, but the risks and challenges remain the same, and I’ve been able to draw from my past experience, which remains very relevant across all sectors.”
Amongst a team of colleagues who are all excited by agriculture, Fraser said everyone enjoyed seeing clients achieve their goals.
“I’m on the road three days a week, meeting with clients, seeing their operations and helping make their vision a reality – there’s no greater privilege, and it’s certainly one I don’t take lightly.”
Contributing to a vibrant region
As a bank dedicated to farming clients, Russell said supporting rural communities was a core value of Rabobank.
As such, thanks to the Rabo Client Council and the Rabo Community Fund, the bank has dedicated – and community-led – platforms to deliver initiatives and services directly into regional and rural Australia.
This month, Russell said his team was proud to be hosting Mary O’Brien of ‘Are you Bogged Mate’ in Trafalgar, providing a valuable opportunity for the community to check in when it comes to their wellness and mental health.
Centered around boosting awareness and conversations with the broader community around depression and mental wellness amongst rural men, ‘Are You Bogged Mate’ is just one of the grassroots community programs supported by the Rabo Client Council.
The workshop will be held in Sale on March 12, and in Trafalgar on March 13, and is a cost-free event open to the whole community, however spaces are limited.
In May, the region’s next-gen farmers will also benefit from Rabobank’s Financial Skills Workshop, an interactive workshop designed to provide practical, hands-on advice for understanding financial statements and banking requirements, and understanding key components of a business’s financial profile.
The Financial Skills Workshop will be held in Warragul on May 16, and Leongatha on May 17, and are again open to the whole community and free of cost with spaces limited.
It was these opportunities, Russell said, that added value and knowledge to rural businesses, and the community, and what sets Rabobank apart.
Visit the team at Farm World
Continuing its support of the local community and ag industry, Russell said the team was looking forward to attending Farm World this month, one of Victoria’s premier agricultural field days.
“We can’t wait to see friends, old and new, and welcome everyone to drop in, say hello and meet the team.”
Staff from the Melbourne, Sale, Leongatha and Warragul teams will attend the Farm World Dinner, and will be on-site at the field day for its entirety.
“Our team loves nothing more than good, old-fashioned face-to-face time with our local producers and the community, sharing their expertise and insights on the current opportunities and challenges, and Farm World is a terrific opportunity to connect and celebrate our great ag industry.”
Come and visit us at site number 236 at Farm World 22-24 March, 2024