Our communication platform will be offline for scheduled maintenance from 12 am to 3 am on 20 February 2025. There will be minor disruptions to customers receiving SMS verification codes during this time.

If you’d like to speak to us, we’re available Monday to Friday 6am to 8pm (Sydney time) on 1800 445 445.

FAQs - Financial Difficulty

Rabobank can work with you, or your authorised representative to determine how we can help. To understand the arrangements that might best suit your situation, we encourage you to speak with us early, honestly and openly, so we can work together to explore a sustainable solution to your financial difficulties. We will protect your privacy at all times.

Potential options include:

  • Waiving certain fees and charges
  • Reducing payments or a temporary payment deferral for an agreed period
  • Waiving break costs on early redemption of Rabobank Australia Limited issued deposits
  • Restructuring loans
  • Changing the terms of the loan
  • Allowing time to sell one or more assets
  • Providing information about insolvency arrangements
  • Offer you the Rabobank Online Savings High Interest Savings Account, for low or no income earners, which has no account keeping fees, informal overdrafts fees, dishonour fees or overdrawn fees. If you would like more information please go to our Banking Services for people with Low or no income here

Joint Accounts

We understand there can be situations where you'd prefer to reach out for help alone. If you have a joint account with someone and you are experiencing financial difficulty, we can assist you without initially involving the other person. If this is the case, just let us know.


1. Contact us

For Farm Business (Rural Banking) customers

Phone: 1800 025 484 (free call), Mon - Fri 6am - 8pm (Sydney time) or call your local area manager. If you're calling from overseas dial: +61 2 8115 2240
Email: Sydney.client.services@rabobank.com
Mail: Client Services Manager, Rabobank, GPO Box 4577, Sydney, NSW 2001

Call, visit your local branch or speak directly to your Rural Manager. Often a discussion with a staff member who is familiar with your business can provide a quick resolution. If you are not satisfied or are uncomfortable addressing your financial hardship or difficulty with your local branch, you can ask to speak to an Area Manager by contacting us on 1300 30 30 33.

If you're uncomfortable speaking with someone, simply complete a Request for Financial Assistance Form and email or mail to the above address.

For Rabobank Online Savings customers

Complete our online form and select Financial Hardship from the dropdown menu.
Phone: 1800 445 445 (free call), Mon – Fri 6am – 8pm Sydney time. If you're calling from overseas dial: +61 28115 2558
Email: ClientServicesAU@rabobank.com
Mail: Client Services Manager, Rabobank, GPO Box 4577, Sydney, NSW 2001

2. We assess your options

Once notified, we will start to work with you to help you find a sustainable solution to your financial difficulties.

3. We come back to you

We will come back to you as promptly as possible with any options.


If things are a little tough and you'd like someone other than yourself, or a joint account holder, to speak to us on your behalf, please call or send us an email providing authorisation of a third party.

You may choose to authorise a third party such as a family member, accountant, solicitor, financial adviser or someone else whom you trust to liaise with Rabobank on your behalf.

Once we receive your email, mail or call, we'll contact you to verify your authorisation. We will also need to verify the identity of the third party. Keep in mind that you can cancel the third party authority at any time and limit their access to certain accounts.

If you're using a Financial Counsellor and would prefer Rabobank to discuss your situation with them directly on your behalf, please let us know. To provide authorisation, the Financial Counsellor will need to send or email us the following completed documents:

- Financial Counsellor Cover Letter (click here for the template) - to be completed by Financial Counsellor.

- Financial Counselling Agency Authorisation Form - signed by you, as the account holder.

For Farm Business (Rural Banking) customers simply give the documents to your Rural Manager or drop at your nearest branch, mail or email to the addresses above. For Rabobank Online Savings customers mail or email to the addresses above.

For more information about how we work with Financial Counsellors, refer to the Financial Counselling Agency Guide produced by Financial Counselling Australia.


More about Financial Counselling

If you'd like to find out about professional financial counselling and the services available, go to Financial Counselling Australia's website or phone the toll-free number on 1800 007 007.


- Australian Banking Association's Financial Assistance Hub

- Financial Counselling Website

- National Debt Helpline

- DoingItTough - The Australian Bankers Association website provides information about financial hardship, including how to identify if you're experiencing financial hardship, how to apply for hardship assistance, and tips to help you manage your money.

- Banking Code of Practice - Outlines your rights if you are experiencing financial difficulties with your credit facility. Rabobank Australia Limited subscribes to the Code.

- MoneySmart.gov - ASIC's MoneySmart provides valuable information on a wide range of financial topics and calculators.

The Australian Government offers support to farm families, farm businesses and rural communities to prepare for, manage through and recover from drought and other hardship.

For further information:

- Drought

- Flood

- Farmer Assistance Hotline (advice on the Farm Household Allowance)

- Farm Household Allowance

- Low Income and Concession Card Holders