Our communication platform will be offline for scheduled maintenance from 12 am to 3 am on 20 February 2025. There will be minor disruptions to customers receiving SMS verification codes during this time.

If you’d like to speak to us, we’re available Monday to Friday 6am to 8pm (Sydney time) on 1800 445 445.

FAQs - Open Banking

Open Banking allows you to take control of your banking data and share it securely with accredited organisations. It was introduced by the Australian Government under legislation called the Consumer Data Right (CDR).

The Consumer Data Right (CDR) is Australian Government legislation that gives consumers the right to share their data between service providers.

The CDR is being rolled out progressively. The first industry sector it applies to is the banking sector, with the energy sector to follow next and telecommunications to follow.

Rabobank is registered with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) as a CDR Data Holder.

Open Banking enables you to share your own banking data more easily with accredited organisations. The aim of this is to make it easier to compare products and services, as well as increasing choice and competition in the banking sector.

Open Banking also requires banks to share their existing product reference data in a standardised format. This encourages the development of new applications and services based on that data, such as product comparison tools.

You can find a list of all the accredited organisations on the Australian Government's CDR website here.

If you're eligible, you can share your banking data such as client details, account information, and transaction history with accredited organisations.

You could share your banking data with other organisations for services such as product comparison, tailored product recommendations, finding the best deal on your banking services, budgeting, consolidation of your accounts, and other services.

No, participation is optional.

Eligible clients can consent to share their banking data including:

  • Name and contact details
  • Account information (such as balance, direct debits and scheduled payments)
  • Transaction details

Rabobank also makes available to anyone our standardised Product Data, to facilitate services such as market-wide product comparisons. This is disclosed in machine-readable format via Application Programming Interface (API), and includes:

  • Product name and eligibility criteria
  • Terms and conditions
  • Interest rates
  • Fees or discounts

Individuals, sole traders and joint account holders

To be eligible for data sharing, individuals, sole traders and joint account holders must:

  • be at least 18 years old
  • be the account owner of an eligible individual, sole trader account or joint account, and
  • have at least one account with Rabobank that is open and accessible through Internet Banking


In addition, to be eligible to share account information and transaction details from a joint account:

  • all joint account holders need to meet the above criteria; and
  • the joint account must be enabled for data sharing (learn more here)


Secondary users associated with individual, sole trader and joint accounts (Farm Business only)

Eligible Farm Business clients who are individuals, sole traders or joint account holders can choose another person (such as an authorised signatory) as a 'secondary user' to manage data sharing on their behalf. To be eligible, this 'secondary user' must:

  • be at least 18 years old
  • have Internet Banking access to the account as a full or delegated user; and
  • not be the account owner.


Entities such as partnerships, companies and trusts

Entities such as partnerships, companies and trusts can nominate representatives to manage data sharing on their behalf. To be eligible for data sharing, these entities must have at least one eligible account with Rabobank that is open and accessible through Internet Banking. To be eligible to share data on behalf of these entities, the representatives must:

  • be at least 18 years old; and
  • have Internet Banking access to the account as a full access user.

You can choose which data you want to share and how long you want to share it for (e.g. for 3 months, 6 months, or up to 12 months). Data sharing arrangements will automatically expire once that period has ended. The maximum time period for sharing data is 12 months.

Once your Rabobank banking data has been shared with an accredited organisation, it is no longer managed by us. Please refer to the accredited organisation's Consumer Data Right policy for details on how they manage your data.

A secondary user is a person (such as an authorised signatory) chosen by a Farm Business client (individuals, sole traders and joint accounts only) to manage Open Banking data sharing on their behalf.

You can set up more than one secondary user.

To learn more about Open Banking eligibility, click here.

If you set up the data sharing arrangement

  • Internet Banking: Go to Services & Settings and select Data Sharing Arrangements under the Open Banking menu. You are able to immediately stop sharing data with any accredited organisation by pressing the 'Stop sharing' button on the details screen for any currently active sharing arrangement.


  • Joint account holders only: Internet Banking: Go to Services & Settings and select Joint account permissions under the Open Banking menu. Choose the joint account and press the 'Stop sharing' button. This will immediately pause sharing of account and transaction data in any active data sharing arrangement/s on that account. For more information, click here.


  • On the app or website of the accredited organisation you are sharing your banking data with.


If your other joint account holder, or your secondary user, set up the data sharing arrangement

  • Internet Banking: Go to Services & Settings and select Data Sharing Arrangements under the Open Banking menu item. You are able to immediately stop sharing data for the account by pressing the 'Remove accounts' button on the details screen for any currently active sharing arrangement on your account.


  • Joint accounts only: Internet Banking: Go to Services & Settings and select Joint account permissions under the Open Banking menu. Choose the joint account and press the 'Stop sharing' button. This will immediately pause sharing of account and transaction data in any active data sharing arrangement/s on that account. For more information, click here.
  • Account owners with secondary users only: Internet Banking: Go to Services & Settings and select Secondary user instructions under the Open Banking menu. Choose the secondary user, then select the account and press the 'Stop sharing' button. This will immediately pause sharing of data in any active data sharing arrangement/s on that account. For more information, click here.

Once we receive your request, we will no longer share your data with the accredited organisation.

Changes you make to your data sharing arrangements will be reflected in the data sharing arrangements section of your Internet Banking. We'll also send you a message advising of the changes you made.

For joint account holders, changes to data sharing arrangements will be reflected in the Internet Banking of all joint account holders. We'll also send all joint account holders a message advising of changes that were made. For more information on notifications, click here.

For account owners with secondary users, changes your secondary users make to data sharing will be reflected in your Internet Banking. We'll also send you a message advising of changes made by your secondary users. For more information on notifications, click here.

You can view details of your data sharing arrangements by:

  • Internet Banking (not available in the Rabobank mobile banking app): Go to Services & Settings and select Data Sharing Arrangements under the Open Banking menu item in Internet Banking. You will see a list of all the accredited organisations you are sharing your data with currently and in the past (archived). You will be able to view their details, the data being shared and when your authorisation will expire or has expired.
  • On the app or website of the accredited organisation you are sharing your banking data with, or
  • Contact us.

For joint account holders, you can also view the details of arrangements set up by other account holder/s for sharing of account and transaction data in Internet Banking (Services & Settings > Open Banking > Data Sharing Arrangements).

If you are a Farm Business client who has chosen secondary users to manage data sharing on your behalf, you can also view the details of arrangements set up by your secondary users in Internet Banking (Services & Settings > Open Banking > Data Sharing Arrangements).

You can cancel your data sharing arrangement by:

  • Internet Banking (not available in the Rabobank mobile banking app): Go to Services & Settings and select Data Sharing Arrangements under the Open Banking menu item. You are able to immediately stop sharing data with any accredited organisation by pressing the 'Stop sharing' button on the details screen for any currently active sharing arrangement.
  • On the app or website of the accredited organisation you are sharing your banking data with, or
  • Contact us.

Once we receive your request, we will no longer share data with the accredited organisation.

Changes you make to your sharing arrangements will be reflected in the data sharing arrangements section of your Internet Banking.

For joint account holders and secondary users, please refer to further information here.

To set up a data sharing secondary user:

  1. In Internet Banking (not available in mobile banking app) go to Services & Settings and select Secondary user instructions under the Open Banking menu.
  2. Choose the person you want to share data on your behalf. The list includes everyone who is eligible to be a secondary user on your account (for more information on Open Banking eligibility, click here).
  3. Select the account you want the person to share data from and press the 'Enable data sharing' button.
  4. Repeat step 3 for any further accounts you want the person to share data from.

Once data sharing has been enabled for your secondary user, they will be able to set up and manage data sharing arrangements on the account/s you selected.

To disable sharing of account and transaction data from your joint account:

  1. In Internet Banking (not available in mobile banking app) go to Services & Settings and select Joint account permissions under the Open Banking menu. Choose the joint account you want to disable data sharing for and press the 'Stop sharing' button.
  2. We'll send you and your other joint account holder/s a message advising that you have disabled data sharing for that account.

Once data sharing has been disabled, none of the account holders will be able to share account and transaction data from that account. Also, sharing of account and transaction data in any active data sharing arrangement/s will pause until the data sharing permission for the account has been re-enabled.

To find out how to re-enable sharing, click here.

All participating Consumer Data Right (CDR) organisations must be accredited by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) before they are able to request data on your behalf. This accreditation process includes testing to ensure that participating organisations meet certain security standards. As an active data holder, Rabobank must also adhere to these standards.

Please see the list of available products here:

Your account may be blocked or suspended.

Your joint account may have been disabled for data sharing by you or another account holder. Click here for more information and how you can re-enable sharing.

For secondary users (Farm Business individuals, sole traders and joint accounts only), you may not have been granted the ability to share data from that account by the account owner. Click here for more information.

If you are still experiencing difficulties, please contact us.

Data sharing is currently available to Farm Business (Rural Banking) clients and Rabobank Online Savings clients who meet the Open Banking eligibility criteria.

Please click here for more information on eligibility for Open Banking data sharing.


If you believe you meet the eligibility criteria and still receive this error message, please contact us.

Your arrangement will remain active for the term you selected (e.g. for 3 months, 6 months, or up to 12 months). Data sharing arrangements will automatically expire once that period has ended. The maximum time period for each data sharing arrangement is 12 months.

Once your Rabobank banking data has been shared with an accredited organisation, it is no longer managed by us. Please refer to the accredited organisation's Consumer Data Right (CDR) policy for details on how they manage your data.

If you would like to continue sharing data after your arrangement has expired, you will need to provide your consent again, following the process described under 'How to share your data'.

You can find out more information about Open Banking and the Consumer Data Right (CDR) on the Australian Government's CDR website at www.cdr.gov.au

You can ask us to correct your banking data or amend it if you believe that it has been processed incorrectly or incompletely. Please contact us.

Once you make that request, we will acknowledge that we have received your request. We will aim to correct the data within ten business days of receiving the request, after which we will confirm the correction has been made. If we are unable to correct your banking data, we will tell you the reason why it was not done.

You can amend an active arrangement that you set up by visiting the app or website of the accredited organisation you are sharing data with. For example, you are able to change which banking data you would like to share or the period of time you would like to share it. From there, you'll then be redirected to Rabobank so you can authorise and finalise your amendment in just a few steps like you did when you first set it up.

Changes you make to your sharing arrangements will be reflected in the data sharing arrangements section of your Internet Banking. For joint account owners, changes you make to sharing of account and transaction data from your joint account will also be reflected in the data sharing arrangements section of your other account owner/s' Internet Banking. For secondary users, changes you make will also be reflected in the data sharing arrangements section of the account owner/s' Internet Banking.

You can contact us to cancel a data sharing arrangement that you set up. You can also contact us to request the details of all the accredited organisations you have set up data sharing with currently and in the past, including their details, the data being shared, and when your authorisation will expire or has expired.

Yes. You can choose when you want to receive notifications about changes your other joint account holders, or your secondary users, make to data sharing arrangements (i.e. when they create, amend or cancel an arrangement for sharing account and transaction data from your account).

You can change your notification settings in Internet Banking (not available in the Rabobank mobile banking app):

  1. Go to Services & Settings and select Notifications under the Open Banking menu.
  2. You can select from one of the three options:
    1. Select to receive notifications as soon as data sharing is authorised, amended or withdrawn. This is the default notification option.
    2. Select to not receive any notifications.
    3. Select to receive a monthly reminder to log into your Internet Banking and look for any changes under Services & Settings > Open Banking > Data sharing arrangements.

For changes that you yourself make to data sharing arrangements, you will always receive a notification.

Note that all joint account holders are always notified of changes to joint account permissions, that is, when data sharing on a joint account is being disabled or re-enabled.

To withdraw the permissions you have granted your secondary user, including stopping them from data sharing:

  1. In Internet Banking (not available in mobile banking app) go to Services & Settings and select Secondary user instructions under the Open Banking menu.
  2. Choose the secondary user you want to withdraw the permissions for.
  3. Select the account you don't want the secondary user to share data from, and press the 'Stop sharing' button.
  4. Repeat step 3 for each account you don't want the secondary user to share data from.

Once the secondary user permission has been withdrawn, they will no longer be able share data from the account/s you selected. Also, sharing of data in any active data sharing arrangement/s will pause until the secondary user permission for the account has been re-enabled.

These messages mean that your other joint account holder/s want to disable or re-enable your joint account for Open Banking data sharing. To learn about Open Banking, click here.

If the message says that another joint account holder 'has disabled data sharing', this means that the listed joint account has been disabled for data sharing, and none of the account holders will be able to share account and transaction data from that account.

If the message says that another joint account holder 'has requested enabling data sharing', this means that the listed account currently has data sharing disabled and another joint account holder wants it re-enabled. For this to happen, all account holders will need to agree to re-enable it for data sharing. If you agree to data sharing being re-enabled:

  1. In Internet Banking (not available in mobile banking app) go to Services & Settings and select Joint account permissions under the Open Banking menu. Choose the joint account listed in the message you received and press the 'Approve' button.
  2. If there are more than two account holders, they will also need to re-enable the account for data sharing.
  3. If all joint account holders agree, the joint account will be enabled and can be selected from the list of accounts eligible for data sharing.

If you do not agree to data sharing being re-enabled, you can reject the request by:

  • In Internet Banking (not available in mobile banking app) go to Services & Settings and select Joint account permissions under the Open Banking menu. Choose the joint account listed in the message you received and press the 'Deny' button.

You can also simply do nothing. Once it has been disabled, data sharing on the joint account remains disabled until all account holders agree to it being re-enabled.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) maintains a register of all Accredited Data Recipients (ADRs). As part of the process of registering your consent, Rabobank must verify that the ADR is accredited before allowing any data sharing to occur. You can find the list of all the accredited organisations on the Australian Government's Consumer Data Right (CDR) website here.

No. Unfortunately you need to use the browser version of Internet Banking to view and manage your Open Banking data sharing arrangements.

Joint accounts are already enabled for data sharing and you won't need approval from other account holders to set up data sharing arrangements with accredited organisations, unless you or any other account holder chooses to disable your account for data sharing.

If you or any other account holder has disabled your account for data sharing, all account holders will need to agree to re-enable it.

To request data sharing be re-enabled:

  1. In Internet Banking (not available in mobile banking app) go to Services & Settings and select Joint account permissions under the Open Banking menu. Choose the joint account you want to share data from and press the 'Enable data sharing' button.
  2. We'll send your other joint account holder/s a message asking them to agree to or reject your request. We'll also send a reminder message if they don't respond within five days.
  3. If they agree, your joint account will be re-enabled.

Once data sharing has been re-enabled, the account will be able to be selected from the list of accounts eligible for data sharing. Also, sharing of account and transaction data in any previously paused data sharing arrangement/s will resume.

If the other joint account holder/s reject the request or if they don't respond within 10 days, data sharing will remain disabled.

It is the same username you input when you log in to your Rabobank Internet Banking.

If you are unsure of your username, please contact us.

It is the 8 digit customer number that you use when you log in to your Rabobank Online Savings Internet Banking. You can find it on your welcome letter.

If you are unsure of your customer number, please contact us.

If you hold an All In One Account or Cash Management Account, to organise access to Rabobank Internet Banking, complete an Account Operating Authority form. For assistance please contact your local account manager on 1300 30 30 33 between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday Sydney time. (+61 2 8115 2002 if calling from outside Australia).

If you want to register for Rabobank Internet Banking so you can share your data through Open Banking from your Call Deposit, Term Deposit, Farm Management Deposit, or your closed account, please contact us and, if eligible, we will set you up with what you need to be able to share your data from these accounts.

If you have a concern or complaint, we want to hear from you. Please refer to our Consumer Data Right (CDR) policy, which you can view here, for how you can make a complaint.

If eligible, you can share your name, contact details, payees, account information (such as scheduled payments and direct debits) and transaction history for these products:

  • All In One (AIO) account
  • Call Deposits
  • Term Deposits
  • Cash Management Accounts
  • Premium Cash Management Accounts
  • Farm Management Deposits (variable and fixed rate)

If eligible, you can share your name, contact details, account information (such as scheduled payments), and transaction history for these Rabobank Online Savings accounts:

  • High Interest Savings Account
  • Purpose Saver
  • Notice Saver
  • PremiumSaver
  • Term Deposits

Farm Business: Complete an Account Operating Authority form and check or uncheck 'Yes' in the Open Banking box under Section E.

Rabobank Online Savings: In Internet Banking (not available in mobile banking app) go to Services & Settings and select Nominated Representative under the Open Banking menu. Under Nominated representative check or uncheck 'I hereby nominate myself to act as a representative for this entity' then click 'Save'.

For assistance please contact us.

Accredited Data Recipients (ADRs) are organisations such as banks, product and service providers, budgeting and comparison tools that are accredited to receive clients' banking data. ADRs are accredited by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) under strict criteria.

Public APIs:

The Rabobank CDR APIs for non-customer information like product details can be accessed at: https://openbanking.api.rabobank.com.au/public/cds-au/v1/banking/products/

The Rabobank CDR APIs for our availability status and outages can be accessed at: https://openbanking.api.rabobank.com.au/public/cds-au/v1/discovery/outages/

To obtain our most up-to-date version, please refer to the CDR Standards github page at https://consumerdatastandardsaustralia.github.io/standards/

The APIs are intended to be accessed by software programs and may not be accessible by a standard web browser.

Consumer APIs:

Our consumer APIs are accessible as per the CDR Standards. To access consumer APIs, you'll need to be accredited by the ACCC and get the customer's consent.

Rabobank's Open Banking APIs have been developed in accordance with the Consumer Data Standards.

View our Consumer Data Right policy (PDF)

Our Consumer Data Right (CDR) policy provides information about how Rabobank manages data under the CDR, including how you can access and correct your CDR data.

  1. Check to see if your phone has service.
  2. Wait a few minutes before restarting your phone and attempting the data sharing process again.
  3. Check that the last four digits of the mobile phone number is the same mobile number you have linked with your Rabobank account. You can find the mobile number that is linked with your Rabobank account in the:
    a. 'My Profile' section of the Rabobank Mobile Banking app, and
    b. Under 'Services & Settings' of Rabobank Internet Banking
  4. For Farm Business clients, if you have registered more than one mobile phone number with us, you can attempt the data sharing process again using your other mobile phone number.

If you have not received your One-Time Password after trying the above steps, please contact us.